Mar 15, 2008 #1 Nifty-Chicken Administrator BYC Staff 17 Years Dec 26, 2006 45,327 52,290 1,812 California - SF East Bay My Coop My Coop Well, what do you think:
Mar 15, 2008 #2 Tuffoldhen Flock Mistress 12 Years Jan 30, 2007 7,502 101 301 WV Heavens Yes!!
Mar 15, 2008 #3 hypnofrogstevie chick magnet 16 Years Jul 12, 2007 7,368 45 436 Newport, MI Rob, I say go for it. Its really nice looking
Mar 15, 2008 #4 muddler6 Songster 12 Years Sep 12, 2007 474 2 139 Jefferson County, PA If I was closer I would have beat you to it. It has style, and it's free!!
Mar 15, 2008 #5 Dawn419 Lost in the Woods 12 Years Apr 16, 2007 3,365 131 238 Evening Shade, AR I'd go get that in a heart-beat...but I have no self-control (as Skip can attest to! ). That's absolutely adorable!!! Dawn
I'd go get that in a heart-beat...but I have no self-control (as Skip can attest to! ). That's absolutely adorable!!! Dawn
Mar 15, 2008 #6 nccountrygirl Songster 12 Years Jul 31, 2007 3,214 10 221 Sanford N.C. Shoot run don't walk and get it as fast as you can. Why can't I ever find deals like that.
Mar 15, 2008 #7 rooster-red Here comes the Rooster 12 Years Jun 10, 2007 7,005 61 261 Douglasville GA Quote: Exactly what I thought when I saw it!
Mar 15, 2008 #9 hensdeliverthegoods Songster 12 Years Dec 18, 2007 693 3 149 Catawba County, NC That's a no-brainer, and believe me, I'm an expert on no brains! Call - NOW!
Mar 15, 2008 Thread starter #10 Nifty-Chicken Administrator BYC Staff 17 Years Dec 26, 2006 45,327 52,290 1,812 California - SF East Bay My Coop My Coop HAHAHA You guys are killing me. I'd have to wait until Tuesday to pick it up. I just called the guy and he made it sound like it isn't beautiful... I guess it is all relative. Said he thought it would be an hour to take it apart.
HAHAHA You guys are killing me. I'd have to wait until Tuesday to pick it up. I just called the guy and he made it sound like it isn't beautiful... I guess it is all relative. Said he thought it would be an hour to take it apart.