free choice scratch?


Mar 11, 2010
On the label it says to offer scratch free choice to layer hens. I would imagine if my hens had free choice to scratch they would pig out on it and forget about their layer pellets. Then again it's getting pretty cold out and i know the scratch is supposed to help raise their body temperature. So what do you think, ok to offer scratch free choice?
Shocked!!! Shocked, I tell you that a feed company would put directions like that on a bag in hopes of pushing more feed and increased sales.
What is the world coming to?
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no....scratch is not food...they need the layer feed...I throw mine a little every few days...they beg for it, but I don't feed it daily...they do get BOSS more than scratch...shame on the feed company for labeling it that way!
That's really kind of silly. I mean, "Here chickies, have this nice bowl of candy, or this sensible meal!"

Hey, I'm goin' for the candy every time!
Scratch is simply the grains used in chicken feed, why oh why do folks think it is so bad for chickens?? What magic ingredients do you all think are in chicken feed?? Scratch is not complete of course. Some layer feeds are 20-22% and actually say to feed half & half with free choice scratch. Just saying, most feed is a good percentage of corn, but people seem to think corn will kill your birds. JMHO
Scratch is simply the grains used in chicken feed, why oh why do folks think it is so bad for chickens?? What magic ingredients do you all think are in chicken feed?? Scratch is not complete of course. Some layer feeds are 20-22% and actually say to feed half & half with free choice scratch. Just saying, most feed is a good percentage of corn, but people seem to think corn will kill your birds. JMHO

no one says it will kill them, in fact last year, before I knew better...I had 9 "pullets", ended up all being roos...scratch is all I fed when I stopped starter/grower...I didn't know it wasn't food....they did fine...I re-homed them all....I think we all feed it is a treat to be tossed on the ground and not fed as a singular potato chips....
Scratch is simply the grains used in chicken feed, why oh why do folks think it is so bad for chickens?? What magic ingredients do you all think are in chicken feed?? Scratch is not complete of course. Some layer feeds are 20-22% and actually say to feed half & half with free choice scratch. Just saying, most feed is a good percentage of corn, but people seem to think corn will kill your birds. JMHO

I've always been told that scratch grains just aren't a complete balanced diet for chickens. And they love it so much, thus the candy reference.

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