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Here's my suggestions:

Murphy (just sounds like a good name to me)
Angus (makes me think, big & burly)
Floyd (dorky, but good for a goofy dog)
Sully/Sullivan (because he looks like a big hairy monster, lol)
Moxy/Moxie (Energy, courage, determination)
Linley/Lenny (i dunno, i liked it)
Murdoch (just sounds so cool, haha)
Zephyr (for a mild, sweet disposition)
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Hagrid ala Harry Potter



ok i we would have to agree with Ranger and tonka but someone already got those

we say.........





Rum runner ( for those who do not know that is what they used to carry in the flast in order to keep alpine hikers who got lost worm till they could get them back to the monks who actually bred and raised St bernards that is who they were named after the monk who started them forget his name OOPS sorry but there was a whole story on it that we read they still breed them at the monistary today to help pay for the things that they need )


Sir snuggles

MR Big

bam bam

Now i would love to have some eggs to hatch but i think that the best name on here was he Weshawshaw because they truely are the "one who walks beside you " not just by watching over the animals but they walk beside you through life
Tuff - because he looks like he'll grow into one tough dog.

Sargeant - Big dog deserve a big name (Sarge for short)

Captain - you know he'll be spoiled and be the captian of his home

Kernal - I'm sure he'll like pop corn I haven't met a dog yet that didn't

Boss - Why not?

Tuff is my favorite though... he just looks like a tough to me
Ok well I just remember when I was young we had a wonderful large male cat and named him such a great least it was to me....


I love it cause it has character yet not so buff and not so babyish.

Enjoy your puppy and enjoy the name you pick.
NOAH-from the bible...strong-dependable-dedicated-loving--

beautiful puppy-he looks so huggable and kissable!!!
Bernie(as in Bernie Mack)

Bernard- Obvious

Zeus- Simply because in Greek mythology he is the king of the gods, the ruler of Mount Olympus and the god of the sky and thunder. Your puppy will be the king of the flock, the ruler of the chicken yard(to the chickens anyway), and your puppy will be keeping his eye on the sky for predators and he will sound like thunder if he sees any.

Sorry I like Greek Mythology a lil too much I think.
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