Free Eggs!!!!!


12 Years
Jul 30, 2007
I got 2 free eggs from the feed store today. I asked for fertilized eggs so she went outside, went to the chicken coops handed me to eggs and said she wasnt sure if they were fertle but i could have them. I put them my incubator a little while ago but are they already dead because when she gave them to me they were already cold?
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The short version:

Chicks do not start to develop until incubation is started.

The longer an egg sits before incubating the less chance of a chick forming.
If the eggs are less than a week old, you have a better chance of hatching chicks than eggs that are 2 weeks old.

Actually storage for eggs before incubation means they should be fairly cool. I have heard of eggs being refrigerated and still hatching so give it a try.

Good luck
Rafter is right and so is the last poster...I have given refrig. eggs to someone that were over a week old and they had a hatch, what you do is let those warm to room temps before putting them in the bator........Just because your eggs are cold does not mean they are need to wait 7 days and candle to see if they are developing....Your eggs were from the coop so of course they will be cooled off if not just layed...
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THank you everyone.
Optimum temp is 50*, for storing fertile eggs. The range is 40-60. That's cool. A little cool down, like when going home from the feed store shouldnt hurt. If they are fertile, Im betting they hatch.

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