Free for All Chickens Contest - prize! (Sort of.) RESULTS on PG 4

This is RoHo the rooster. My entry. hope im not to late! I call this this picture "Whatcha got there?".
"Hey Lucy, go get Ethel. The dog is back but this time we got her!"
Sofia-left, EE with a crossed beak.Lucy-right, RIR. Ethel-RIR is far right. Lyla-Napping Golden Retriever.

"Wheezy, can you help me out here?"
Wheezy-Ancona, Lyla-Very itchy Golden Retriever

Aww, these are all fantastic entries! Thanks so much for entering. I don't know if I'll be able to pick a favourite, I might get people to come and vote. Perhaps we could do "likes". :pop

I just realised, I haven't actually included an end date for this contest. I might make that in a few days.

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