Free range and creeping buttercup?


May 17, 2017
Woodinville WA
There is TONS of creeping buttercup in my yard and I have seen the chicks eat it while free ranging. Anyone have experience with this or have any ideas about how to deter them from eating it? I thought the bitter taste might deter them but apparently not. Haven't had any problems with the toxicity yet, but don't want them eating it if it's potentially harmful. This stuff is all over my yard so basically the only way to keep them completely away from it would be to not let them free range.
We have a meadow rather than a lawn :lau and yes, buttercup. Not to mention the digitalis and probably a dozen more I don't know about yet... I haven't had a chicken poison itself. There are enough choices that they only take a bite or two of any one thing.
We have a meadow rather than a lawn :lau and yes, buttercup. Not to mention the digitalis and probably a dozen more I don't know about yet... I haven't had a chicken poison itself. There are enough choices that they only take a bite or two of any one thing.
Haha yeah my yard is getting pretty wild and lawn is non-existent. My chicks are young and they have several fields to roam but they choose these buttercup patches to eat! I guess I won't worry too much about them poisoning themselves. they seem okay after a couple days of eating it. I'm glad to hear your chickens have access to it as well and are doing fine.

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