free range chickens

Funny... I was about to say the opposite... my roo keeps everyone together close in to the house and coop... guess it depends on the roo?

Maybe they would stick closer if you had only 1 roo and they wouldn't be going in so many directions? Do you plan to keep so many roos? or is that just the position you find yourself in right now?
Right on 7L Farm! I do the same. I used to let mine out all day, I lost 3, then I let them out at 4 when I got home from work. I lost 4 hens in the 30 minutes it took me to go to the house and put on some spaghetti. It was a dog. I no longer let them free range unless I am there, standing guard. I will continue this practice until I get $300 saved for additional chain link fence.

When they did Free range the roo would lead them into the woods or down by my pond for those yummy bugs. They don't usually like being out in the open much. They stuck to the edge of the woods, or garden. Wary of hawks I believe.

If you do let them free range, be prepared to take losses.
I only have 2 bantams that free range, but they stay right where the coops are and never seem to leave my side yard. I think it's because my property has a very clear boundary marked with shrubs and trees. The coop area is primarily shaded except for very late afternoon so there is very little danger of hawks (plus with 5 dogs I don't get many predators. In fact, I've never had any - at least none that have attempted to go after my chickens)

It may also be that the little bantam rooster LOVES to march around to the outdoor area of each coop and crow into it, showing off that he's outside and they are in...

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