Free range flock and fox

An update to the fox issue. We now have 2 new pups, 4 months old. Border collie/great pyenees mix. They have already been marking the perimeter of the fenced portion of our yard. I think they sniffed out the culprits method of entry. Training has begun! Fingers crossed this will help protect the hens in time!!!
I have had no problems with foxes for 9 years ( though we do have a lot around here) til last year, first, it beheaded my ducks ( they stayed out too late 😢) so I put the chickens early in the coop, then it came in the morning, so I let the chickens out later, then it came at midday and killed 2 of my chickens, it would have killed more, but by then I was outside screaming and yelling, even though I was outside, it managed to snag the 2. hen 😩 all this happened over the course if a couple of months..the only solution was an electric fence, of course the flexinette was sold out ( obviously, i wasn’t the only chicken keeper with fox problems ) so I had to assemble the whole kit and caboodle 🙄 they told me ( I used electrified wires) maximum gap between the wires are 5 cm, anything bigger, the fox slips through !
I spent a day last week putting an electric fence together. We have had visits from raccoons. I used the rope wire and was wondering to myself if it would keep a fox out as we saw one earlier this fall. I got to see one of the coons get its nose zapped last night so it seems to be working. I also watched the replay with much glee.
I have had no problems with foxes for 9 years ( though we do have a lot around here) til last year, first, it beheaded my ducks ( they stayed out too late 😢) so I put the chickens early in the coop, then it came in the morning, so I let the chickens out later, then it came at midday and killed 2 of my chickens, it would have killed more, but by then I was outside screaming and yelling, even though I was outside, it managed to snag the 2. hen 😩 all this happened over the course if a couple of months..the only solution was an electric fence, of course the flexinette was sold out ( obviously, i wasn’t the only chicken keeper with fox problems ) so I had to assemble the whole kit and caboodle 🙄 they told me ( I used electrified wires) maximum gap between the wires are 5 cm, anything bigger, the fox slips through !
A couple of questions...
How high did you run the row of wires for the electric fence?
Did you run wires on an existing fence?
Do you have dogs?

If I did my math right, spacing on that fox fence is two inches. My spacing is hot at six inches and 12 inches, ground at 18, then two more hot wires at 24 and thirty. I hope I don't have to deal with foxes.
I do have a dog, I think on the day the fox came at middday, she scared him/her off once, usually don’t let the dog to the chickens, cos she used to look at them as food (( no more) but I am afraid if they start flying/running, temptation will lurk around the corner… after the fox came, I let her to the chickens ( while I was there) and as I said, I think she scared it off, cos she ran where it jumped over the fence ( I couldn’t be everywhere at once) and the neighbors saw it again at 10 pm … I fixed solid wooden slats to the existing fence, and drilled holes every 5 cm near the ground and at the top I think up to 2m , they jump a 1,5 m fence easily, and fixed insulators, ran the electrified wire through them. Keep the current running during the night for the first few weeks, even if the chickens are safe, or else the fox might chew through the wires, and cut away any foliage/grass touching the wires, cos it lessens the electric field, most important is to have decent electrical grounding, I pounded 3 iron stakes into the ground , 1.5 m long, 3 m apart and connected them with a thick wire!
If you have very sandy soil, like I do, water the earth near the stakes every day
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