Free Range Hens Going into Street?? HELP


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 24, 2012
I have 3 hens, all 3 years old. For over a year we have let them free range on our property throughout the day and they coop themselves up at sun fall. They do have a run attached to their coop that we used to keep them in 24/7 until April 2014...

Since they have been free range they have never left our property or gone onto the street, even tho we live on the corner of 2 main streets. However, I have noticed them getting more and more brazen and venturing closer to street, onto sidewalk etc...

Today I got a phone call from animal control saying they had received a call that our birds were out in the middle of the busiest street we abut! She no longer wants to let us free range them if we can't keep them "on our property."

We have 1.42 acres so fencing the whole area is not feasible. Any idea why they are now venturing onto paved areas and how to prevent it? Not safe for chickens or drivers
I have 3 hens, all 3 years old. For over a year we have let them free range on our property throughout the day and they coop themselves up at sun fall. They do have a run attached to their coop that we used to keep them in 24/7 until April 2014...

Since they have been free range they have never left our property or gone onto the street, even tho we live on the corner of 2 main streets. However, I have noticed them getting more and more brazen and venturing closer to street, onto sidewalk etc...

Today I got a phone call from animal control saying they had received a call that our birds were out in the middle of the busiest street we abut! She no longer wants to let us free range them if we can't keep them "on our property."

We have 1.42 acres so fencing the whole area is not feasible. Any idea why they are now venturing onto paved areas and how to prevent it? Not safe for chickens or drivers

Not surprising that they are expanding their "range" - unfortunately, the only solution is to contain them. If fencing the entire area is not possible you will need to construct an enclosure around an area that you can afford to enclose and then if/when you allow them out of htat area you will need to provide direct supervision and prevent them from leaving the boundaries of your property.

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