Free Range in Snowy Weather: What do you do?


I built a cattle panel hoop house behind the coop for them to use. They still mostly hang out under the coop unless it's a sunny day. I shovel all around the coop and put out old straw to walk on. Feed, water and treats are in the hoop house so they have to use it.
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So glad that I'm not alone in this. My 6 month old Cavachon puppy thinks that chickens are for chasing, and I don't see any sign of that changing.
We have a charcoal who was trained to be a bird dog. Not real helpful around chickens. By restraining him, we have trained him to leave the chickens be. We held him on a leash for a while, and now we can let him out by the chickens without supervision. Our dog is older though...
I don't let mine free range in winter. The hawks and eagles are hungry, and we don't want to lose any chickens. In summer or spring, the birds will have other things to eat, and should leave the chickens alone.
Mine would just be miserable if I didn't let them out all winter....they are so used to life out there that any time having to be confined to a coop is hard on them. They pace like tigers in a cage. If the snow isn't too deep for their walking, they only go in that coop to lay an egg or eat their daily ration...the rest of the time is spent searching for food out there...and they find some, don't know how, but they are seen picking up things as they scratch along.

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Mine have adjusted to the snow, despite hating it initially. I still throw open their doors every morning and some will plow through chest deep snow to get to the carport where the ground is bare. I reward them with some BOSS to scratch around and search for.
I figure if they have the choice they can do whatever they like. Many will pop out the door, flap their wings and run back in the coop. It's better than just sitting around cooped up all day...

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