free range on fifth day?


6 Years
Jun 26, 2016
Naples, FL
I've had a couple new pullets in a quarantine cage in my garage (fan on and lots of water and treats) for five days (today is day 5). I'd love to let them out to free range (no access to my chix--hundreds of yards away, separated by several fences). Usually I leave chix in for a week or two to be sure they know their new coop, but I feel bad for these ladies. Has anyone let chickens out sooner than the week or two and had them return "home" for the evening? Has anyone lost chickens after letting them out early? Thanks for input.
I normally only close my chickens in for a few days before I let them out. Of course, the longer the better, so a week is best, but I think they should know by now where 'home' is. Although, I would suggest just 2 more days if possible ;)

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