Free Range Part Time?


In the Brooder
Jun 9, 2020
Newbie here! We have 8 chickens (just about 9 weeks old). Their coop is built into an unused stall in the barn (next to the horse stall), and their covered run extends from the coop out into the horse pasture 24 ft by 10 ft. I lock them in the coop at night. The girls have been living in this setup for 3 weeks now. No problems at all- the horse doesn’t mind them and they really pay no attention to him. There’s a (locked) gate that goes from the run out to the horse pasture. At first I had no intention of ever letting them free range, but I’m beginning to think I could possibly let them out into the horse pasture for an hour or so each day. I would stay out there with them. Does anyone see any problem with this? I’m still not sure if I have the stomach to do this- I’m so afraid they would wander too far away. Plus, our 12 year old Australian Shepherd goes crazy barking up a storm whenever she’s near them. I’d probably have to put her in the house during this free range time. How do other people deal with wandering chickens? Does anyone else let their girls share pasture with another animal? Would letting them out for a short period of time each day be ok?
Newbie here! We have 8 chickens (just about 9 weeks old). Their coop is built into an unused stall in the barn (next to the horse stall), and their covered run extends from the coop out into the horse pasture 24 ft by 10 ft. I lock them in the coop at night. The girls have been living in this setup for 3 weeks now. No problems at all- the horse doesn’t mind them and they really pay no attention to him. There’s a (locked) gate that goes from the run out to the horse pasture. At first I had no intention of ever letting them free range, but I’m beginning to think I could possibly let them out into the horse pasture for an hour or so each day. I would stay out there with them. Does anyone see any problem with this? I’m still not sure if I have the stomach to do this- I’m so afraid they would wander too far away. Plus, our 12 year old Australian Shepherd goes crazy barking up a storm whenever she’s near them. I’d probably have to put her in the house during this free range time. How do other people deal with wandering chickens? Does anyone else let their girls share pasture with another animal? Would letting them out for a short period of time each day be ok?
You could, but make sure they'll come when you call them. I'm thinking once they're drunk with freedom you're going to need a powerful incentive to get them to come back in when you're ready. Maybe start them on some kind of irresistible treat with a distinctive noise before you try the pasture. Mine love mealworms. I don't give them out that often but they know the sound of me shaking the container and come running to get their treats!
Try only letting them out an hour or two before dark, they will come in on their own. If you only let them out occasionally, they tend to stay closer to home. The more you let them out, the farther away they will do, to a point. Some birds seldom leave the sight of coop, others are more daring.

Once I had a rooster take his girls clear to the cattle barn and lot, but I have never had another rooster that would go that far.

Mrs K

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