Free-Range Time


5 Years
Apr 2, 2014
Northeast GA
My girls free-range 3 hours night on average during the week after work.

On the weekend, they free-range 8-12 hours a day with constant access to their feed and water.

How long do your chickens free-range?
That's what I do in GA give or take. My fear is my dog and her friends. For years I have always allowed time out on S/S for an all day picnic. They get just about all they need on those two days, then back to scratch and mash. saves a little cash.
Most of the time, I let mine free range all day. They LOVE it!
In winter, or on vacations, I do not let them free range.
We have hawks around our place- But it is not a big issue considering the amount of trees and objects that they can hide under- Like our trampoline!

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