Free range unattended?

We have a flock of 19 that are just over 7 weeks. They are Dixie Rainbows so they are very fast growing birds and quite large. We do have a coop with a large fly pen attached. I leave the pen door open so they come and go as they please. If we go riding, we go for a couple hours and then we come back home but we do go a few times a week.
I never let my birds out of the run in the fall or winter unless I am right next to them with a large stick and my dog since there's no cover. spring provides leaves and low bushes to hide from aerial predators however I have seen snakes and they can also kill young chicks.
I have 6 weeks old chicks that I allow to free range a few times a day. They enjoy roaming and roosting in low leafy tree branches so I don't want to restrict then to the run when though it's large. With all of them, I'm out there never too far as well as my watchful cats and dog.(they all get along as I've spent time teaching them and the dog breed has mothered quite a few things) I've seen the chicks respond to the rooster alert as young as 4 weeks but they do tend to wander away from the larger ones in the flock. I can't be everywhere so I do let them separate and not get too crazy about it. I do put all of them in when I go back inside the house, for my peace of mind.

Also, if you leave the door open to your run you should definitely check for predators, snakes Hawks etc before you lock them in at night. I know someone who lost all their flock in two days not knowing a hawk was hiding in the loft area.

It's all about balance and we are all learning as we go, enjoy and good luck with your flock!


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Hello all. I have 7 week old chickens that I just started letting free range this weekend. They are doing really well so far but I was wondering if you can leave them unattended while free ranging? My husband and I like to take the UTV out on the trails but not sure if it's ok to leave them out while we're gone? Do people who let their chickens free range run errands and just live life as usual with their chickens loose? Thanks!
My last batch were free all day every day when we lived in Maine. They all died of old age between 10-14 years old. Our new batch, here at our new place in MA, was attacked by a hawk on their first day out so sadly I keep them in their coop/run now. I guess the answer is “it depends” 🤦‍♀️😂 Good luck
Hello all. I have 7 week old chickens that I just started letting free range this weekend. They are doing really well so far but I was wondering if you can leave them unattended while free ranging? My husband and I like to take the UTV out on the trails but not sure if it's ok to leave them out while we're gone? Do people who let their chickens free range run errands and just live life as usual with their chickens loose? Thanks!
We stay with ours, we only have seven, because we have hawks all the time flying over and have even swooped in before. So, we only let them out while we are out with them. I have neighbors who have lost some while not watching them.
Hello all. I have 7 week old chickens that I just started letting free range this weekend. They are doing really well so far but I was wondering if you can leave them unattended while free ranging? My husband and I like to take the UTV out on the trails but not sure if it's ok to leave them out while we're gone? Do people who let their chickens free range run errands and just live life as usual with their chickens loose? Thanks!
We only have 7 chickens fully grown. We only let them out while we can watch them. We have hawks and even owls in the evening will fly over and hawks have even swooped down before. I believe 7 weeks old they would be dinner quickly.
I used to leave my older girls out all day unattended until a fox got one of them. I would never leave my little ones out unattended. They dont know how to hide at that age?
Hello all. I have 7 week old chickens that I just started letting free range this weekend. They are doing really well so far but I was wondering if you can leave them unattended while free ranging? My husband and I like to take the UTV out on the trails but not sure if it's ok to leave them out while we're gone? Do people who let their chickens free range run errands and just live life as usual with their
I have 8 week old pullets that are still in my run and I’m waiting a little longer to let them out to free range with my older hens. They have lots of bushes and trees to hide under and can teach them well how to avoid predators. The oldest is 7 years old. But I have lost a few to predators over the years and if you chose to free range that is a risk that comes with it.
I have full-size Buff's who are like 7lbs a piece and there is a large Osprey that still flys over checking them out from time to time. One time it made a very low pass while I was in the yard I've never seen one so close. I could have touched it. I dunno if it was going for a kill, but it flew down like 6 feet over them and then back up; like it saw me.

My birds bolt for their coop every time. Haven't seen it in a while. And I still let them roam. But aerial predators in our area have been known to fly off with people's small dogs.

I wouldn't let such young ones free-range just yet. Not until they are at least a challenge to get off the ground.
Hello all. I have 7 week old chickens that I just started letting free range this weekend. They are doing really well so far but I was wondering if you can leave them unattended while free ranging? My husband and I like to take the UTV out on the trails but not sure if it's ok to leave them out while we're gone? Do people who let their chickens free range run errands and just live life as usual with their chickens loose? Thanks!
Hi I have a small orchard and have them free range all of the time, they do have a pen on stilts with a run attached to it if they need to go in and the orchard has high fences and hedges. But we do live on a farm and you will always get predators. Our three dogs are good guard dogs. you cannot watch them all of of the time.
There are so many "accidental" roosters that need a home. A rooster who can help protect your chicks seems like a win-win all around. :)

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