Free range unattended?

We haven't had issues with daytime predators since we got goats and started rotational brush clearing with a 4 strand electric polywire set up. The coop and run is inside this electric perimeter, so the girls just duck under to go where they please. Not sure if enough roaming dogs, etc have it it, or we've just been lucky, but either way, the girls seem to know its a "safe zone" they can run to in an emergency. We don't have issues with daytime aerial predators here as a family of red shouldered hawks have nested in a tree in the front yard for years. They don't seem interested in mature birds like red tails, but we keep the youngsters locked in the run until they are nearly full size.
Big girls get the run of the property everyday during daylight hours whether we're here or not.
IMO, It all depends on which predators are the biggest issue for you.
We haven't had issues with daytime predators since we got goats and started rotational brush clearing with a 4 strand electric polywire set up. The coop and run is inside this electric perimeter, so the girls just duck under to go where they please. Not sure if enough roaming dogs, etc have it it, or we've just been lucky, but either way, the girls seem to know its a "safe zone" they can run to in an emergency. We don't have issues with daytime aerial predators here as a family of red shouldered hawks have nested in a tree in the front yard to years. They don't seem interested in mature birds like red tails, but we keep the youngsters locked in the run until they are nearly full size.
Big girls get the run of the property everyday during daylight hours whether we're here or not.
IMO, It all depends on which predators are the biggest issue for you.
if the hawk nested in your tree doesn't go after your chickens im assuming you have big breeds like jersey giants? also do you have a rooster to keep the shouldered hawks away?
if the hawk nested in your tree doesn't go after your chickens im assuming you have big breeds like jersey giants? also do you have a rooster to keep the shouldered hawks away?
No, mixed flock of standard size hens- no bantams. We've kept a flock for 6 or so years and only had a rooster for the first time a few months ago. Culled after 2 months for aggression.
The red shouldered hawks are smaller than the red tails and prefer a dense canopy like we have. They seem to prefer snakes, skinks, etc. I have no doubt they'd take a small pullet if they couldn't find anything else, but luckily its never happened with us.
Our 23 or so (2 roos) free range after 3 in the afternoon on about ten acres. We're surrounded by many acres of pasture and no neighbors. Our two Shelties patrol. We don't have much trouble with predators, probably because of the dogs. One of them chased away three coyotes once. About half our flock are Black Australorps and I'm convinced hawks stay away because they look like big crows.
We let ours out of the run if we know we will be home for the rest of the day. We do have livestock guardian dogs, cameras, and electric fencing.
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now thats a good dog what breed is it?
Our two Shelties patrol. We don't have much trouble with predators, probably because of the dogs. One of them chased away three coyotes once.

The dogs are Shelties (Shetland Sheepdogs.)
They look like miniature Collies. I'm pretty sure one is in BigBlueHen53's profile picture.

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