Free range unattended?

lemme guess its a really tiny serama chicken with all jersey giant hens and he wonders why he dosent get fertilized eggs? or its probably the other way around
Well I just did two hatches for him and out of them we got 19 babies so I think the fertilized eggs is not a problem.
Ours free range all day largely unattended. Hawks are our only real issue, and only for the young birds. Since only letting the standard adults free range we haven't had losses. My young birds are in the barn until 4ish months.

We don't even close our coop at night, but haven't had issues in 2 years (yet). Only predators have been hawks and owls on the babies.
Hello all. I have 7 week old chickens that I just started letting free range this weekend. They are doing really well so far but I was wondering if you can leave them unattended while free ranging? My husband and I like to take the UTV out on the trails but not sure if it's ok to leave them out while we're gone? Do people who let their chickens free range run errands and just live life as usual with their chickens loose? Thanks!
We only let ours out when we can check on them every 20 minutes or so. We lost 3 last year while free-ranging, after they have been free-ranging during the day for months with no problem.
Hi Mary! Thanks for all the info. We do have bears here so we don't put food in the coop ever and remove it from the run every night. I am so sorry about your experiences. This is my first time with chickens free ranging so lots to learn. I'll need to toughen up I'm sure!
My friend’s sister has bears where she lives. A bear tore off a wall of the coop and ate half her flock. You might consider electrifying the coop.
Oh golly, so true! Can we get a pic of yours?
She's no coyote dog like yours (holy cow, btw!) but she'll dutifully alert everyone in a 2-mile radius should she deem something amiss in the yard. :hmm


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I let my flock of 11 out almost everyday. I leave them and go to the store and stuff. We have quite a few dogs that howl nonstop so that probably helps keep predators away. In our area we have raccoons, owls, hawks, eagles, foxes, coyotes, Bobcats, possums, stray dogs (plus dogs that belong to our neighbors that just let them roam even though one is aggressive) ect. I have lots of hiding spaces for my chickens and they are pretty alert. I also have a silkie hen named Elvira that stays out full time as she is bullied by my other hens. She has been out on her own for over 6 months and is fine.

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