Free Range

Yay! I love my free ranging chickens; can't stand to see them locked up. Careful of that garden tho--they'll make short work of the whole thing! "Uh, oh. Did you want those delicious plants we just ate?? Sorry!"
Yay! I love my free ranging chickens; can't stand to see them locked up. Careful of that garden tho--they'll make short work of the whole thing! "Uh, oh. Did you want those delicious plants we just ate?? Sorry!"
Same here. I was such a nervous Nelly when I first started letting mine free range. Now I wouldn't have it any other way! They get let out every day, all day. Rain, shine, sleet, snow, hurricane name it! They don't care...they love to be OUT!
Free ranging is awesome!

Our ladies get let out into the yard early and take themselves "home" at sundown...........

but you have to fence off any garden/flower-beds you don't intend to "share".....
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