Free Ranger **** Cornish Cross


12 Years
Apr 29, 2007
With all of this talk between the two breeds the last couple of weeks I'm sure there is going to be a lot of people getting both breeds this season... anyone??

I can't wait to hear the results between the two.
I'm considering a batch of free rangers this season, it will be my first experience with meat birds. I have to take measurements for the lawn that I'll be using (I'm in the city) which will tell me a tractor size which will tell me how many birds I can raise. So....I may be looking to split an order, but we shall see.

There has been a ton of good info lately with pro's and cons for both - for me the ultimate decision come down to: altitude. I'm at ~6000ft so I'd rather error on the side of caution with my first meat bird experience. I can see what other Colorado folks have luck with, but at the moment I'm pretty much banking on the ranger.
I can't either.I hope after this season we see more particapation in the meat bird section.When the Freedom Rangers first became popular in the summer of 2007 there was many people ordering but very few shared their results.I hope we get more posts this season.
It's great to see so many people raising their own chicken.It's probably the closest we'll get to sharing the past with our ansestors. Will
If I can work out my scedual with work and prep for my wife being up set with my poltry endevers I hope to raise both this spring/summer! Ill post pics of there progress and all the cyotes/neghbors dogs I shoot. Chicken and dog coats life doent get any better than that!
I think that I'm gonna do a batch of Cornish X's first an then some freedom rangers after that. I was really pleased with the cornish we did last year.

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