Free ranging diffrent types of chickens


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 21, 2011
San Diego
Well let me start of with saying I have only had chickens since this last spring, so I am new to all this and probably jumping to far a head to fast, but I can not help myself. I feel in love with raising chickens.
I have a rooster that is a golden laced wyandotte/cornish mix, a rooster that is a blue red laced wyoddotte , and a black silky mix rooster. I have three golden laced wyandotte hens, a silver laced wyandotte hen, 6 rhode island red hens, a easter egger, a blue red laced wyoddotte hen and a black silky hen.
So my question is, How do I let them all free range this next spring with out mixing the breeds. I want Reco (golden laced wyandotte/cornish mix rooster) to be the daddy with the golden girls and rhode island reds. Rojo (blue red laced wyoddotte rooster) to be the daddy to Bella Rose (blue red laced wyoddotte). you guys get the point.
Is the only way to achieve this by keeping them in their own run? Or will I be able to free range them and then put them in their own coops at night? I was thinking about letting them all out at diffrent times, but that just seems to hard and I would be spending most of the spring time letting chickens in and out all day. I also thought about letting all the hens out half the day and then letting all the roosters out the other half.
I know we have a long time before spring, but we are making new coops and runs now and I don't want to have to build and rebuild later.
Well I thank you in advance
YOu'll need to have enclosed runs that they can't mix with. Even if they are in separate coops at night, you will end up with mixed fertilization. If you want to breed straight breeds, then you have to enclose their runs.

I let mine free range, and I have a separate coop that I put them in for breeding. I get a roo and his hens, put them in that coop for a few weeks, and hatch those eggs, then they go back with the rest and I do another breed, if I can catch them.

I do still get mixed breed hatches, because a roo can fertilize eggs in various stages of development inside the hen, so she might already be fertilized before you segregate her from a different rooster. So if you never want to mix them, enclose them.
From what I understand, the rooster's sperm can fertilize eggs for up to two weeks or more, so one needs to wait at least 3 weeks before you can be mostly sure you've got the "right" rooster fertilizing the eggs for breeding.
or you could do what i'm planning, and that's let only one group out each day, and rotate which groups get to go at a time...

on the flip, since i work from home, I could also let one group out in the morning, pen them at lunch with treats/food, and then let another group out till dark.

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