Free Ranging Hens And Poo

How about 3 or 4 chickens on half an acre or so? Would there be tons of poo everywhere if they were out free-ranging half the day or so?
I don't know why, but I thought the poo was a positive thing...our back yard is 1/4 acre, give or take, we have five big hens (to be joined by five babies when they're about 5 weeks old); we water the yard 2-3 times a week and mow every five days. Chicken poo not a prob - by cont:prast, we have to clean up after our three dogs every other day.
I have 10 chickens and 1/3 acre. They free range from about 9-10am to dark. I fence them off of the porch, but they are all over the yard. I don't notice the poop in the grass - it doesn't bother anything. I simply wipe my shoes well before coming inside. No problems.
I have 32 chickens I free range on an acre, yep there is poo everywhere but the only accumulation that really bothers me is around the bar b que area, porch and deck. those hose off easily though. My chickens are very spoiled and we are considering fencing them out of certain areas this year, we shall see how that works out. mine hang close to the door a lot of the time too, waiting for me to come out (I really think they like the windbreak the house creates) and although they can be very destructive, I have been working on subtly caging off my favorite landscaping elements so they cant get to the root balls but the foliage covers the cage when it gets full. I'll have some pics soon, when the plants start leafing out and blooming so I can be the envy of many

I have a golden sex link that can spot a new element in the yard from 150 ft.! she gets herself into so much trouble and has had to be rescued twice in the last month. I should write a barbara like story about her. she has to check out my truck bed EVERY time we take it out and return. I have yet to name her though.

It all boils down to how much poo one can live with. I think if youre the type that disinfects everything you will probably want to pen your chickens, if youre not so concerned, have extra shoes, a good inside and outside door mat and sweep and mop often.

So glad it's not just mine. Sometimes I think my one female dog survives almost wholly on chicken, pig and horse poop.
get a beagle like me then no need for a hose or shovel, just a sink and some shampoo, he rolls in ANYTHING chicken related, they are his best friends, so much so he wants to smell like them. I had them free ranging for 6 months, i am on 0.22 of an acre, the poop on the grass no problem, poop on the patio, nightmare, esp the loose sticky ones that just stick.

I now have a lovely 6x16 picket fenced off area attached to the coop, they free range and are making some excellent soil for next years vegetables!
I have a red sexlink like that too, her name is Queenie. She's a hoot.

Hasn't laid an egg in a month, little booger
but she's such a good pet, even DH loves her, she's gonna live her retirement here, egglaying or no.
I can attest to the dog doing clean up duty. I have a rat terrier that knows the sound of me scooping feed, he starts whining to go out with me. I have trained him not to bum rush the coop, but when I am there he is there with me running from place to place, occaisionaly coming in with feathers on his face. white feathers on a black dog face show up too.

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