Freedom Ranger Hatchery Rhode Island Reds

EOD Daddy

Sep 14, 2023
Hello, new and preparing to get back into chickens after a time off do to health and where I was living. I just had a heart transplant 4 months ago so I am so excited to get some chickens to spend my day with and care for. (Gets lonely when everyone is off to work.) So please excuse me if I ask a lot of questions.
1. Does anyone have these birds?
2. Are they just your standard Hatchery RIR?
3. How well do they lay? What size eggs?
4. How is their temperament both hens and Roosters?

Thank You,
EOD Daddy
Hello, new and preparing to get back into chickens after a time off do to health and where I was living. I just had a heart transplant 4 months ago so I am so excited to get some chickens to spend my day with and care for. (Gets lonely when everyone is off to work.) So please excuse me if I ask a lot of questions.
1. Does anyone have these birds?
2. Are they just your standard Hatchery RIR?
3. How well do they lay? What size eggs?
4. How is their temperament both hens and Roosters?

Thank You,
EOD Daddy
Wow, glad you are back to healthy, and that's awesome you want to get chickens. I would paste links to articles about the birds you're inquiring about, but you should go up in the right corner and search as there were so many I didn't know which ones to pick for you. You'd probably know as when you search, it gives you a list you can pick through.

Good luck and again, glad you're feeling well again! :hugs
I get confused too, but last time he had a question I answered with this link to Freedom Ranger Hatchery as he was asking about chocolate eggers. They have RIR's and other ones too. I think it's just a hatchery a lot of folks use but I could be wrong.
Freedom Ranger technically does meat birds and NH chickens, they are in with a couple other hatcheries (all family I think) Hillside is the one who has the RIR. They are all on the same website under freedom ranger. Sorry I was not specific enough. I figured anyone who ever went to thier sight would know this fact.
Hello, new and preparing to get back into chickens after a time off do to health and where I was living. I just had a heart transplant 4 months ago so I am so excited to get some chickens to spend my day with and care for. (Gets lonely when everyone is off to work.) So please excuse me if I ask a lot of questions.
1. Does anyone have these birds?
2. Are they just your standard Hatchery RIR?
3. How well do they lay? What size eggs?
4. How is their temperament both hens and Roosters?

Thank You,
EOD Daddy
If egg layers is what you want, then the Rhode Island Reds or the White Leghorns, are two of the best. The RIR lay brown eggs, while the WL lay white eggs. Out of the two, the White Leghorns are the most productive and most efficient (converting feed into eggs) egg layers. There are other ones, but they are hybrids. The RIR and the White Leghorns, are pure breeds and will breed true. Depending on which RIR chicken you get, it will have more meat on their bones than the White Leghorn, but there is always the tradeoff between egg laying and meat, because fat chickens don't lay well, and excellent layers are typically on the thin side, so the heavier a hen is (genetically or by just eating too much) the less eggs it will produce.

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