freedom ranger weights info?


Apr 6, 2017
Hi all, I was hoping someone on here has some experience with raising freedom rangers and could provide me with some weight information. This is my first experience with them, having only raised a few Cornish broilers in the past. I am just wondering if I should be concerned that they are under-weight or if I'm worrying about nothing, or if there something else I should do.
I ordered 25, got 28, and have lost one to leg issues so they are getting vitamin B in their water.
They are about a month old now and all seem to weight between 1.5 to 1.6 pounds, and what little I can find online about this tells me they should be over 2 lbs by now.
They had 25 (or thereabout)% protein for 3 weeks and are now on 18%.
They are voracious eaters and drinkers, they're very active and fun to watch. I have not and don't dare ration their feed.
I'm in north-central Indiana and in my opinion it's too cold to put them outside, but they have a large space in a barn with heat lamps that they still use even though they are feathering out nicely. I'm hoping to process mid December.
thanks for any help or input!
I raised some in 2016 I don’t remember for sure but I think I butchered them at 3 months may have been a little longer but not more than a couple more weeks. They all dressed out between 5 to 5 1/2 pounds so probably about a pound and a half heavier live weight, sorry didn’t write it down. They defiantly grew much slower than the Cornish cross although they ate a lot.
So if it took 3 months (!!!) to get to that weight it seems like they might be on track. I certainly hope I don't have them that long. If I do it will probably be the first and last time with them. Thank You!
That’s what I thought to they were good eating but the Cornish x had way better feed conversion and I didn’t have to raise as long. I just go with Cornish x every year now. Some people really like the rangers but they free range them I think.
That’s what I thought to they were good eating but the Cornish x had way better feed conversion and I didn’t have to raise as long. I just go with Cornish x every year now. Some people really like the rangers but they free range them I think.

I appreciate they're coloring/feathering and their activity level, and I'd hope to at least have them out in a tractor if not range. But I agree, so far they're eating like nothing I've seen with Cornish do.

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