Freeloader Chickens still not laying


Feb 22, 2016
Hello, I have 25 White Leghorns that are now about 22.5 weeks old. Only 2 of them have been laying an egg for the last 1.5-2 weeks and the rest seem like they want to be free loaders forever.

I was told they lay around 18 weeks. Am I doing anything wrong?

They have all day access to the outdoors so there should be plenty of sunshine?
I was just feeding them a grower feed and just switched a couple days ago to a layer feed as per my neighbours recommendation. I have not been feeding oyster shells yet - I was going to start some of that too. I give them grit and also feed them squash and veggie scraps when I have them available.
Give them more time. 18-20 weeks is an estimate and 22 weeks is only 2 extra weeks which isn't much time. Oyster shell and time, and make sure they don't have space to hide eggs
I have 20 hens, 3 red sex links, 3 white rocks, 4 production reds, 2 australorps, 3 faverolles, 2 barred rocks, 2 dominiques, and a buff orpington. Mine are summer babies and I wasn't expecting eggs until spring, but my white rocks surprised me and started laying at 23 weeks on the winter solstice. My RSLs didn't start until 25 weeks, and everyone else fell in line within a month. It's hard waiting, but they'll lay when they're ready.

Ok everyone around me was saying they were really late to lay so I was starting to panic. I will keep waiting. Thanks for the input!!

"All day access to the outdoors" makes me think hidden nest(s). Have you confined them or done a very, very thorough egg hunt?

"All day access to the outdoors" makes me think hidden nest(s). Have you confined them or done a very, very thorough egg hunt?
They have a fenced off enclosure. I've looked around in there but I guess I've never done a very thorough investigation. I have never seen any eggs out there... but it might be worth a look. This isn't the best picture but it gives you an idea. the coop is to the right.

Okay, I'm never sure if that means access to a run, or free range. Free rangers are often thought of as free loaders, when they're just clever and hiding their eggs. In a run, though, you should be able to find the eggs pretty easy unless you have any wacky corners or hiding places, or they can get under the coop, things like that. They may just not be ready yet. Waiting is so hard!
Enjoy the wait and relative peace and quiet. With 25 Leghorns you'll likely have eggs by the bushel when they get into their rhythm and all that egg-song could be most entertaining!

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