French Black Copper Marans Cockerel Advice

T Rex

Jun 5, 2016
Vincennes, IN
I'm needing some advice on which cockerel I should keep for breeding, I'm striving for standard of perfection if possible with one of these? Please give me your expertise, I'm new to fbcm. They are about 21 weeks old.

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I really like the shape of #1 although they are both gorgeous boys. My FBCM"S are all hens but if I could choose a roo for them I would choose #1. Good luck!
Yes, you can definitely tell the difference between the two of them. I especially like the saddle feathers and the hackle feathers of #1. And he just looks so proud. Keep us posted with updates of your boys! :thumbsup
I have 2 pure bred BCM the lady I got eggs from, got hers from GFF, I am naughty and bred mine with a pure bred LO, just in case you want to see what that might look like...
dawnacus 531.jpg
but this is a chick, I will post more as she gets older, she is about 3 weeks old now.
Hi, hope you are enjoying BYC! :frow

Where are their tail feathers? :pop It's hard to tell the angle at which they are holding it without those.

I wouldn't even be close to choosing yet... things change so drastically still not only in color but also attitude. And my real suggestion would be hatch some more! :oops: And if they are your only two choices, sometimes I keep both in case something happens to one I will have a back up. But I keep a stag pen so my ladies aren't over mated.

# 2 has major difference in waddle sizes.

Watch out for the short pinky toe. Side sprigs, split wing and so on.

Here is a good resource for learning the SOP for Marans...

Did you know that the offspring will get the egg shade from their sire? So having your boy have a nice egg color gene will effect your outcome of all future generations. (not to sound so dire!) :)

I think their eyes are too light. And # 2 might have some white feathers on his drivers side thigh, or it could be a trick of the camera and lighting.

Seriously though... I'm still learning to, and assure you I've got NO room to judge other's birds! ;)

Have fun on your adventure! The learning never stops. :wee
Oh, my other word of wisdom will be...

Those are actually cockerels. The terms rooster and cock are reserved for boys over one year old. Though they will still mature a bit more after that.

Likewise the gals are called pullets until 1 year old and then hens there after.

Though we still loosely use the term hen and roo in casual conversation, thought I would share this in case you didn't know... :cool:
Egg sighted, I have been to that tree that you drive through with my kids (Redwoods), we stopped there and they have food that a lady with an outdoor stove was cooking. I could not have any because of a garlic allergy, I was standing by the car away from the cooking lady, who was with my husband, they were having a conversation about the food. I was standing near my 11 year old daughter, and heard a man's voice say into my ear in a loud whisper, "she is fat" I looked at my daughter and said "did you hear that?" she said yes and said what I heard. The lady did look like she enjoyed her own cooking, but she was not real fat.
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Thanks EggSighted4Life. I did know that but wasn't thinking clearly. I'm just so used to hens and roosters, and I'm a little new to taking to anyone about chickens other than my 4 and 2 year old.

I have 3 others that hatched from the blue water ranch line. 1 is to aggressive for me and the kids, one has to much copper I believe, and the other is the smallest. But I have them all still and will continue to monitor them as they grow.

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