French frogs

1 out, 1 zipping... 2 looked like DIS, one I couldn't tell...


are you selling, or keeping?

Keeping... it's an agreement I made with Walnut... :)

What's next on your agenda? 

Did you say LG quit laying?  I haven't gotten an egg from Juice in over a week.  Finally noticed the pillow fight in the pen this morning.  

Yep, she's almost done with her molt now... wings aren't quite there yet, lol... Crash stopped too, she's molting and so are all the juvies... I count heads frequently through the day cuz it looks like a duck massacre in our yard! :gig

Snowy is finally up to 2 to 3 eggs a week, so hers go in weekly with a handful from the adult flock...

Gonna set my first run of all my chickens for Easter and set weekly after that... the season has begun!!!

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