French frogs

We actually had some snow flurries this morning for a few hours, and I could see it snowing on the mountain out the window. Weird. Still made it to 60 today, and it should be up to 80 by Tuesday. At least it was just "breezy" today, compared to the strong winds we've been having. Spring in New Mexico is more like this: It's definitely tumbleweed season.
We get lots of tumbleweed a in Kansas too!
Dog fell asleep on my lap, chick fell asleep on the dog :D
So cute. Reminds of a story when I Was a kid our Collie was sitting on the front porch with a baby sparrow sitting on her back! Our Collie's name was Lassie. Dad was like grab the camera!! He came back out to take the pic and Lassie was in the same spot. No chick...Lassie had a feather sticking out of her mouth!!! I still miss that dog.
Thought I heard loud squawking today. These are 3 ameraucana eggs. The big one is 72 grams ouch!
I candled this and it is a double yolker.
That's so cool! I have an EE, "Hawk". She lays double yolkers quite frequently! I wonder if both chicks will make it? I hope so. Surely some do?
Ever notice that my's sometimes the hardest things that seem so easy...because usually it's just the natural thing to do......your a great man my friend...I'm proud to know you....Phil
Me too
Morning.....another sleepless one here..:/ Although I did manage a few tired. My lungs are all tight and wheezy......took some prednisone will get back on track in a day or so.....hope it's a great Saturday for everyone.....Phil
I hope your already feeling better!
Good Morning Everybody !
Good afternoon Oz! Clementine is beautiful by the way little Eve may give her a run for her money!
Mornin' I got a message from Susan Mouw yesterday. She has a beautiful, big, fat show winning black rooster she got from Cliff Redden. She's giving me one of his sons in about 3 months :D
Lucky dog you!! I'm real glad SC!
Prednisone must be working on my lungs starting to feel much better now....hopefully will last till we are getting a good amount if snow.....guess it's winters last blast...hope so....:fl
Me too. Really glad your feeling a little better!
Good afternoon frawgs! I was hit with either food poisoning or just plain sick last night! It was awful! Feeling a little better today but I'm so behind on everything! House is a mess, neighbor's dog is trying to eat my 16 year old cat's food on the front porch! Better than her! I won't stand for that though. The d*m dog is so sweet....I usually grab him by the collar and return him. We have a large German Shepherd and always keep him up!
Hope everyone's having a great Saturday

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