French frogs

Howdy! We gotta do the online show! Glad you're feeling better!

Yes! I keep thinkin that! All in good fun!
Hi, Deb! How's the duck babies? Time for more pics....

Twist my arm...

Cricket (Cayuga)

Walnut (Welshie)

Willow (Welshie)

Bailey (Buff)

Good afternoon frawgs! I was hit with either food poisoning or just plain sick last night! It was awful! Feeling a little better today but I'm so behind on everything! House is a mess, neighbor's dog is trying to eat my 16 year old cat's food on the front porch! Better than her! I won't stand for that though. The d*m dog is so sweet....I usually grab him by the collar and return him. We have a large German Shepherd and always keep him up!
Hope everyone's having a great Saturday

Ick...hope you feel 100% very soon!

Gosh, your daughter is beautiful. Great pics! Love the shepherd, too.

ETA: duck names
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Those are gorgeous Deb...I've not a nice pond that's next to my place!!! Those things are so cute I'm gonna have to get some!

YES! Yes, you need duckies. I'm sure of it!

Thanks Deb!
I love the duckies! Favorite? Cricket! Then Willow!

Cricket is the most feisty. She nibbles every time we pick her up. She sits on top of the lids to the water & food bowls. Willow is the other end of the spectrum. Will relax when I hold her, but...she's the smallest & has a mischievous side. She has gotten into the holes inside the water & food bowls.

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