French frogs

We hatched a lot of Calls, lol...

holy flawkin brace, batman......that is

have ya'll started the cull process?

Already noted our best, and have a couple pairs slated for sale... we were just waiting for the weather to turn and we'll band up the keepers, take pics of the others and post them for sale...

We actually got quite a lot of females so far... the last 24 are just now starting to quack, so we can sex those soon... problem is, OH likes the different colors so we might be keeping most of them and setting up pure to color breeding pens... :barnie
Alright you are right. So thinking I should start a thread when I finally get to this chicken tractor. I am trying to decide if I should put it in the Meat birds section or the DIY section. It will begin with lots of posts about building a tractor and rebuilding a broiler pen, using recycled junk we have around the farm. That is DIY. But hopefully at some point it will be less about building and more about pasture raising meat birds, along with processing.
I ordered 25 chicks for the middle of March!
Hopefully I will have them on grass by April.

Mine should be in the freezer by april. Had to shut them in the coop as it is a bit chilly today.

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