French frogs

The chicks were let out for a little today and they were getting along great till this one "Australorp" roo tried to show a cuckoo marans who was boss
Remember the juvie Ohiki pair? Barred boy and black girl? Those had head spots... will look to see if the new babies do too...

*I think* it's not as clear with blue though... haven't looked it up since I was working with black...
If you're really interested in those, PM him... Jerry is one of the founding breeders of Am's so you can't get much better than that for a start... :)
I have Call ducklings now... and some juvie pairs... ;)
Red and furry... self explanatory... :gig
Honestly, I would find a reputable breeder who started from theirs over getting direct from them... they did a lot for importing new breeds, but they're really a propagator not a breeder... :/
Little Peddler...
You know it's bad when your work choice is based off how much better it makes yourself smell... :sick
Glad he's doing better... :hugs
Oh, shut up and sit down to pee... :gig
Cruel... that's just cruel... :gig
Nah... that's a drill press... :lau
If I said LP, you'd say GFF :smack

So if I have my voices right then all of the pekins (7) are hens, the three cayugas with white chests are drakes, the mallard is a drake (My sister says so anyway) and at least 2 of the blue swedish are drakes.
I guess I'm a little slow, but just found out that greenfire farms is just down the road from me.......only about an hour from where I work....

they have Marans.......well they have a chit load of birds....
Good morning everyone!

Bert they do have sales later in the season for about 75% off. Not sure if what you wan't will be in stock then, but it might. I think you can get on their email newsletter. Their prices are astranomical, but the birds do look pretty good. I have not been impressed with the color of the Marans eggs from the new line they imported. The eggs I've seen have been a #4. That's a lot of time and money to bring in BCM with a #4 egg.

I'm still 6 pages behind and busy as a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

So if I have my voices right then all of the pekins (7) are hens, the three cayugas with white chests are drakes, the mallard is a drake (My sister says so anyway) and at least 2 of the blue swedish are drakes.

I don't see any drake feathers yet. How old are they now? And are you sure the black with white chests are cayugas and not black Swedish??

The Blue Swedes are fabulous!

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