French frogs

I thought that yesterday, but assumed I was wrong so didn't say anything.
Hey, I got a Regal Tang! (picture Dory from Finding Nemo). I've always wanted one, and found a nice one two weeks ago. I just haven't said anything yet because for the first week Nemo was trying to kill Dory

No quote, so I just gotta throw this one out there:
Mornin' Deb

LOL...mornin' SC! Pics Dory & Nemo, pleeeeeease.
Sounds about right... I never check actual egg temp as long as my bator stays at temp... :)
Yeah, that's what I hear... mostly from you, but that's what I hear... :plbb

And btw, since Turk pointed out what wasn't making sense, how are you in Texas an hour away from someone in FL?????
Yup, it sure is... :thumbsup

I could have misread or been led astray by a local Craigslist ad.
I'll see if I can get some this weekend. Seriously, Nemo was not happy. He terrorized that poor fish for days, I really thought he was going to kill her. Good thing she has a short term memory

Did you end up going to a smaller setup after the last troubles with your tanks?
:thumbsup jus wanted to say cuz sum pple donno but i shoulda known better with you, your a good study :)

I don't know about that....but I do pay attention....before I went through all the chemo I was pretty intellegent....but trust me there is a such thing as "chemo brain"....I guess giving up a little brain power isn't the worst thing to sacrifice to live.....:) ...mostly I'm glad to be here.....the higher dose of pain meds knocked me on my butt last night...:).....but I still had to get up at 3:30 to take a I swear my shoulders are getting worse.
I have an MRI scheduled for Wednesday.....alright enough chattering...

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