French frogs

Sunday afternoon stroll with my sweetie in the Sumter Nat'l Forest Parsons Mt. Rec Area. I love where we live! Hey Phil it's 80 degrees here and everything is green and blooming!



Blackberries are in full bloom.


I said cages earlier because I was having these delivered today, free for me, thru a friend, I now have space to raise dozens of quail!


Super excited there's a total of 10 holes, 3 large ones in the cage to the left 4 smaller in the one to the right, and a third with three med ones. Also an old coolerbator, ill a clean it up and see what happens, don't have very high hopes but :fl

I'd love to pickle some quail eggs... just don't want quail, lol...

Good score, Turk... :D
Anybody know what would make a black hen with yellow feet get white and black hackle and saddle feathers?
Being a mixed breed...
Hey Ravyn, whatcha think, partridge or wheaten? (or neither.)
Neither... or both... Sorry, Dan, but you got a lot of mixed breeds and mixed colors from that guy... :/
One of thee EE pullets load an egg today! (That or one of the EE hens laid two or one got out of the chicken tractor, laid her egg and then got back in.) So pretty sure one of the pullets laid her first egg. 

Yay!!!! I love it when they lay their first egg!! I too "loaded" up on eggs!

Get some pinless peepers and put them on all the birds in that pen.

They're used for pheasants and other evil gamebirds to prevent cannibalism.  It blocks their straight forward close range vision and causes no harm.

Super cool!!! I am going to get some!


And maybe up their protein a bit? It could be from bullying, but might also be from them tryijg to find more protein... I would at least separate her for now and give her extra protein... would look into how to do a 'forced molt' too... otherwise she will look like that til she does molt... good luck...

Okay so I will separate her and I will plan to up protein but I am not going to force a molt. I don't want to starve her for a week.:( shes my Lil Bit!!!! I can be patient and aybe by then her head feathers will come back. Lol!!
I'm not Ravyn but I did spend the night at a Holiday Inn Express last night. I say partridge....

Being a mixed breed...
Neither... or both...

Sorry, Dan, but you got a lot of mixed breeds and mixed colors from that guy...
I figured. LOL. Yeah, they were just for eggs anyway though they were sold as specific purebreds which makes me kinda mad, I'd have been fine if he'd sold them as mixes but he said they were pure. She even has feathers on her feet

Yay!!!! I love it when they lay their first egg!! I too "loaded" up on eggs!
Super cool!!! I am going to get some!
Okay so I will separate her and I will plan to up protein but I am not going to force a molt. I don't want to starve her for a week.
shes my Lil Bit!!!! I can be patient and aybe by then her head feathers will come back. Lol!!

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