French frogs

I'm happy it worked for HER! :gig

Although, I'm not totally sure if the treatment really worked, or if I just irritated the egg outta her... after all of it was done, I set her down and she stood in front of me, pushed a few times and it popped right out! :lau

Her, you... Sounds like somebody was working it...

Hopefully neither of you have been too traumatized and she continues without any problems.
Her, you... Sounds like somebody was working it...

Hopefully neither of you have been too traumatized and she continues without any problems.

I'll be fine... not my first rodeo...

I think she is ok, for now... gotta figure out how to get her and her sister to take in more calcium... it's my Silvers... my Greys chow on oyster shell free choice every evening, no problem... I have never seen these 2 eat any... :confused:
It's not really blue... dunno why my phone has issues with duck egg color...

She was eggbound... treatment was exceptionally successful, lol...

Ahem, you mean "eggceptionally successful"?

Good morning all you good people!
Voting, not that there is anything to vote for :/
But DH is going to ask SIL to watch thing one and two. And then mentioned getting groceries without them and maybe even eating lunch without them
So good day today
I'll be fine... not my first rodeo...

I think she is ok, for now... gotta figure out how to get her and her sister to take in more calcium... it's my Silvers... my Greys chow on oyster shell free choice every evening, no problem... I have never seen these 2 eat any... :confused:

I had real good luck with that
"Layena with oyster shell"... I know you use Flock Raiser.. But no doubt I got bigger whiter eggs with the food change....

Voting, not that there is anything to vote for :/
But DH is going to ask SIL to watch thing one and two. And then mentioned getting groceries without them and maybe even eating lunch without them
So good day today

Have an enjoyable day....

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