French frogs

A talker too... and a biter, lol...
Thanks... :D
Thought you'd like that... how are your 'lings doin', my friend?

They are spending their first night out in the big duck pen.... They seem to really enjoy it. When ever I go out there they go running and hiding behind the straw bales.... Totally hilarious.

You sre in some Apocalyptic mood touday........

Best line from my favorite movie....
... Another good line was "never get out of the boat"......

And with that I say....." Never Get Out Of The Boat"
He is definitely a keeper. He knows when he can't win, and doesn't try. That's why we're hitting the 30 year mark mid June.

Wow, that's awesome! Congrats!!

Can't believe how time flies. I'm not old enough to have been married 33 years.

Well, dang, Friday! How young are you?

I am and then some . I've reached that age if I sit on the couch more than ten minutes I fall asleep. Hard to be a good guest when your like that
BTW I'm asleep now pretty good huh.

HA...I can relate. How you doin, K?

Another Snowy baby...

Poor homely looking little ling!

Good morning everyone!

Hey, Oz, you having a good week?

It has been a long morning. Maybe you can see her, peeking from behind the tree, thing 1 is rather heart broken because daddy dared to go to work without her. :/
I had to hold her down long enough for him to drive away. She then ran out side and decided to hide behind the tree, waiting i think for him to return. It has been a long morning

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