french marans....

Ione, so you post and you don't answer my questions. LOL see how you are??? Off topic, sure you don't need a PYR, I've developed a fourth...

And I do have a pair of LGD pyrs in foster for Pyr National, and the fourth Pyr puppy in foster...

The first pyr is mine and I'm keeping her.

Now about my BC marans pullet questions... hmmmm????????
I would give a young bird a pass on the white wing feathers for a few moults. If they came from a VERY PROMINENT breeder and the white feathers are in the bend of the wing and there are two or three of them, you are probably stuck with those white feathers. They will not likely go away.

I know what you are talking about the reddishness in the feathers. I call it brown down. They are not "black" exactly and tend also to have more brown peppering throughout, and their hackles are usually lighter colored. Somteimes they have lacing on their chest, or something that is not copper streaked, spottend and blended throughout. I myself am selling those out of my breeder pen one by one. I do not plan to kee chciks with brown down. I try to sell them as just 'dark brown layers" and that's it. Hope this helps.
I've been thinking about it. If I didn't have to FEED a pyr, I'd probably get one. But I'm already feeding enough dogs as it is!
Feeding the pyrs is something, added to my eight. But faced with the need. I am gonna keep trying.

Well, I'll grow her out as a dark egg layer and see then. The white feathers are only on her wing ends, the primaries. I won't mind some nice dark eggs, regardless. And since I have no others no point in hatching anything anyway. Unless I want to do a round of Delaware to Marans, which might be interesting.

I've been looking into feather foot cuckoos and wheatens because they're more available than the GCMS I wanted. The BCM was an "extra" egg in a second GCM order. Lost the first hatch - power outtage, lost the second group to temp spike to 134 (so much for heat killing females first) a dog unplugged the fans. Faith is the only survivor in a color I didn't want. Figures. At least she's a girl.

I'll keep poking at it but two batches lost is also rough on the wallet.

Thanks for the help, you all are terrific. Ione in particular - kiss Duckbutt for me. Anyone with spare Marans eggs over winter who wants to make me a deal. I'm here
bad luck and all. Just don't tell fate I asked again.
Amazon, YES!!!! Thank you, and yes, I knew it had the "S" at the end...I just surfing and didnt pay attention and type fast and gooo goo gooo goo...GO!!!

So then my Boots is a French cuckoo because he has feathers on his legs...

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