~*Friends and Enemies~A Wolf RP*~ Accepting!

Okay. here's my form.

Name: Unus
Age: 5
Gender: Female
Pack: Loner
Rank: She is boss to none but herself.
Mate; Her mate, Klypso, as well as her pups, were killed due to an ambush by the blood pack. Unus is very touchy to the subject.
Pups; Three, but all are dead. They were victims of the Blood pack.
History: she has always been a loner because her odd personality scares off would be friends. So far, no packs let her join. Constant rejection fuels her desire to be alone.
Personality: Quiet. Only says what she has too unless she is enjoying herself. She loves pups but when she's around them it only reminds her of her painful loss.
Description: She has steely blue eyes that hide what she feels inside. her nose is Pitch black, and her fur is an unusual solid charcoal grey. her tail is tipped with black.
Unus tripped through the thorny underbrush. Hungry and exhausted from fleeing the blood pack, she collapses. A mouse scurries across her paw. She snaps it up and swallows it in one gulp. Panting, she rolls over in the leaves and passes out.

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Quote: Snow looked up.

Quote: Ice watched her.

Saphira walked over to them.
Crow laid his head down.
(Sorry front legs)
Lavender just rolled around in the den.
Ice crouched down, and Black went to sit down.
Snow glared at him.
Night came back.

"Yeah?" Said Nightmare.
Fang growled. " You stay away from her. Mint will be watching for me."

Night shook his head. " Please no."

Okay. here's my form.

Name: Unus
Age: 5
Gender: Female
Pack: Loner
Rank: She is boss to none but herself.
Mate; Her mate, Klypso, as well as her pups, were killed due to an ambush by the blood pack. Unus is very touchy to the subject.
Pups; Three, but all are dead. They were victims of the Blood pack.
History: she has always been a loner because her odd personality scares off would be friends. So far, no packs let her join. Constant rejection fuels her desire to be alone.
Personality: Quiet. Only says what she has too unless she is enjoying herself. She loves pups but when she's around them it only reminds her of her painful loss.
Description: She has steely blue eyes that hide what she feels inside. her nose is Pitch black, and her fur is an unusual solid charcoal grey. her tail is tipped with black.

Unus tripped through the thorny underbrush. Hungry and exhausted from fleeing the blood pack, she collapses. A mouse scurries across her paw. She snaps it up and swallows it in one gulp. Panting, she rolls over in the leaves and passes out.

( No RPing WITHOUT be accepted! Stop right now, please, and PM that form.)

(I'll just startover.)
Heart sighed, "Me too."
Ashes killed a squirrel and brought it to Silver.
Shadow looked at her.
Silver grinned.
Snow looked up.

Ice watched her.

Ice crouched down, and Black went to sit down.
Snow glared at him.
Night came back.

Fang growled. " You stay away from her. Mint will be watching for me."

Night shook his head. " Please no."
"Ok." Said a defeated Blizzard "Now what did you want me to do with this clearing?"

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