~*Friends and Enemies~A Wolf RP*~ Accepting!

Wing dragged her even more quickly.

Ice followed Red, head down.


(I don't know what we are doing right now..... Could you give me a re-fresher?)

Fire nodded. "Okay." He put down the boar and drew his paw over his ear.
Clover grinned. Nialla reminded her a lot of what she was like when she was little. "Okay, let's go!" Clover sped off.
"A loner doesn't see many wolves, usually." Cloud explained quietly.

Akira quickened her pace.
Wing dragged her even more quickly.

Ice followed Red, head down.


(I don't know what we are doing right now..... Could you give me a re-fresher?)

Fire nodded. "Okay." He put down the boar and drew his paw over his ear.
Clover grinned. Nialla reminded her a lot of what she was like when she was little. "Okay, let's go!" Clover sped off.
"A loner doesn't see many wolves, usually." Cloud explained quietly.

Phoenix sat down softly panting. She watched Fire out of the corner of her eye. She wondered what was wrong with his ear. But soon looked off into the forest. Thinking about her pups and their uncertain future.
Nialla sprang up and took off like a lighting bolt. She caught up with Clover with a toothy grin. She loved running.
Jasper leaned in and whispered, "My dad, taught us some pack behaviors, before he was killed. Mom, used to roll her eyes and call it a waste of valuable time. But now, I don't think she sees it that way anymore. However, blood pack doesn't seem to follow any rules. I just hope that not the same with all packs." He finished quietly.
Quote: Wing quickly continued on.

Quote: Ice frowned at Tea. "Tea, come here this instant!" He barked, sounding a bit angry. "This is a talk for all of us!"

Quote: Fire looked around then brought his paw down again and looked around.
Clover smiled back and sped on.
Cloud's eyes softened when he heard about Jasper's dad. "I'm very sorry about your dad. Blood Pack does seem to follow rules, but not the ones that we have."
(@Daisies )

Moon yawned and looked around the Forest Pack camp. (Sky Pack went to Forest Pack just like Water and Fire Pack). He wondered how Cedar was doing (his best friend). He trotted across the camp and looked at the carcasses in a pile. He chose a rabbit and went to sit in a shaded area of camp.
Wing quickly continued on.

Ice frowned at Tea. "Tea, come here this instant!" He barked, sounding a bit angry. "This is a talk for all of us!"

Fire looked around then brought his paw down again and looked around.
Clover smiled back and sped on.
Cloud's eyes softened when he heard about Jasper's dad. "I'm very sorry about your dad. Blood Pack does seem to follow rules, but not the ones that we have."
Tea snorted and looked at him.

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