~*Friends and Enemies~A Wolf RP*~ Accepting!

(Okay, we can start it off slower. I think that is always easier. I have a Forest Pack Male Wolf available right now. That is Moss.)

Moss woke up from a long nap. Yawning, he got up and stretched, blinking his eyes sleepily, then padded out of his den and into the camp. All the new wolves were new to him, even as Beta, it was hard to give them orders.
(Ah.... I thought she seemed strong. XD)

Fire nodded. "Prehaps 2 of us can keep watch while the others sleep."


( She hid it well. Besides, she has come to trust these wolves. So she feels safe to let her guard down. )
Phoenix was deep in sleep, she was bone tired. It was a dreamless sleep. which was welcomed, because she usually relived Flint's death.

Jasper answered, "I can take first watch." He then took up a sentry position. That's how him mother had taught him to stand watch.
Nialla smelled the breeze to make sure they were safe. She then listened intently for any noises. Satisfied she looked back at Clover with a toothy grin.

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