~*Friends and Enemies~A Wolf RP*~ Accepting!

Dove nodded. "Let's eat this first."
Thistle sighed and shrugged.

Feather looked alarmed. Snow saw Feather glaring at Coby, then swung around and hit her brother on the head. "What are you doing!" She hissed.

Crimson ripped half of the rabbit and gave the rest to Dove. He began eating hungrily
Coby whined an pouted at Snow," Nothing" he frowned.
Quote: "Honestly? I know Fang's blood hunger. He is hunting down every last wolf in this loner land." He stopped, suddenly realizing why Fang hadn't killed them. "He wants me to get close to you all, then kill you guys making me watch. I don't want that to happen. It will hurt too much." He looked around. "I must leave."

Quote: Dove turned to follow Crimson.
Snow sat Coby back down then walked to the entrance of the den.

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