~*Friends and Enemies~A Wolf RP*~ Accepting!

Mist entered the camp with a brisk trot that slowed down a walk. She paused for a moment to observe the entire camp to see if all was well and then she proceeded forward to find Stone.


Falcon rested leisurely on a smooth, flat boulder located just outside the Blood Pack camp. A thought flashed through his mind that maybe he should do something more productive, but with a gentle breeze and the peaceful silence of the forest. For the first time, he decided against doing something for his pack and remained on the boulder.

(Don't know if you saw this Frin :) )
Moss walked out of the den with Stone.

"Great." Fire smiled at her. "I didn't want to lead." He admitted.

Fang looked over at Feather, who was cowering in the corner.

"I never thought I would. But I guess it's no different then raising my pups. You guide them to make the right decisions and being prepared for anything that comes their way." Phoenix replied off handedly.

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