Frindizzle's Angriest Fowl Contest! Closed - For Ducks, Chickens, Quail, Turkeys, And Geese.



Name: Chico
Age: 4
Gender: Male
Type Of Animal: Chicken
Breed: Mixed Breed (unknown)



Name: Luna
Age: 2
Gender: Female
Type Of Animal: Chickem
Breed: New Hampshire Red
Username: LittleBrownie



(Young Pootie)

Name: Pootie
Age: 7 months
Gender: Female
Type Of Animal: Chicken
Breed: Barred Rock
Username: LittleBrownie
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Oh, shoot! I got so doggone wrapped up in what's going on here that I thought I'd entered, but hadn't yet. Love to give you some flimsy excuse, but the plain ugly truth is I spaced it!

Challenging all comers......Daphne the pugnacious Easter Egger, at 6 months old. The flock complainer.

Easter Egger Gladys, 6 months old, illustrating what it means when you're told not to get your "feathers ruffled".

Mathilda, otherwise known as "The Cossack", daring me to come any closer. Easter Egger, 7 months

Pearly-girl, a 7 month old Easter Egger, bellyaching about something. Again.

This one needs no explanation. Scout is her baby and Agatha (known when broody as 'Atilla the Hen) 9 month old Easter Egger, is making sure I know it!

Light Brahma, 6 months. She's either One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven or Phred. I do think this one is Phred, but I have a 1 in 8 chance of being wrong. Either way, she ain't happy.

Not entered, but if ever there was an "angry bird", this was it! Dunno if he thought hiding near the chicken run in the daytime was a good disguise or not.

Edited to correct the Light Brahma's caption. I have 8 BUFF Brahmas and I accidentally gave their names. The Light Brahmas are named One, Two, Three, and Four because I can't tell them apart from each other either. I believe the one pictured is Two. Sorry - old age! Didn't realize my mistake until I looked at a post in a different thread.
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