Frindizzle's Chicken Show - Closed!

3 weeks in these photos
Easter Egger

How he loved his little Hot Tub! Being treated for frostbitten feet.

And he also loved curling up under Mama Heating Pad in his indoor brooder.

Other: Scout, all grown up at 7 months. RIP, Sweet Little Man.
So sorry about Scout. He was a cute little chick and a handsome rooster.
Thanks, Frindizzle. He was definitely one of a kind! Notice his feet in the photo of him all grown up - they were the UGLIEST things, and almost useless. But as you can see, nothing stopped Scout from being cock-o'-the-walk! He scratched in the dirt, ran, flew up onto, and down from, the highest roost in the coop and landed safely every time, and kept good track of the ladies.
Thanks, Frindizzle. He was definitely one of a kind! Notice his feet in the photo of him all grown up - they were the UGLIEST things, and almost useless. But as you can see, nothing stopped Scout from being cock-o'-the-walk! He scratched in the dirt, ran, flew up onto, and down from, the highest roost in the coop and landed safely every time, and kept good track of the ladies.

He sounded like a really fun rooster who never gave up! :)

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