Frizzle chicks take longer to feather out??


12 Years
Feb 18, 2007
North Georgia
I have two frizzle bantams chicks I received with a shipment of various other bantams (all are a bit over 2 weeks old). I've noticed that the other breeds are now feathering out nicely except for the two frizzles. They only have the wing feathers and bitty little tails. I believe they are both roo's due to the dominant up-front personalities they have. Do frizzles generally take longer? Please see pictures:


Well, these are my first frizzles, so feel better that it is probably just the way they are. They look a good week behind the others to me.
Mine took longer to feather out, then ran around for a while with almost no back feathers, so if they get naked backs till six or eight weeks, don't worry, they will eventually come in.

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