Frizzled Quail?


11 Years
Jun 15, 2008
Sweet Home Alabama!!
These are my first quail and maybe some of you are laughing at me. Maybe they all go through this stage in feathering, I know Chickens go through some rough stages.
Some of these look Frizzled....Do they make frizzled quail?
What do you all think? THANKS DENA

This one has it the worst...About 3 are afflicted with this pattern.



HMM!!! my quail didnt do that!!!! If you do have some funkies, I'd looove to buy eggs from some of those lil fellers someday from you!

I was just thinking to myself last night (no lie) that theres silkies in chickens, ducks, geese, etc, so why can't there be silkies in quail, so frizzle is the next best thing! LOL!

seriously my coturnix quail did not do that at all. They'd poof up when cold but their feathers surely did not stay that way perminantly esp at those angles.

edited to add, oh those are bobwhite quail? right? if so im of no help! LOL! I have only coturnix andbutton, i just automaticlaly assumed htey looked ilke coturnix so i thougth i'd reply...but now i think they are bobwhites right?
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Yes they are bobwhite quail. The eggs (30) came with the incubator. Only 15 hatched of those and one poor soul drowned in the marble filled waterer. (Edited to say They cannot be cold...its 85 today in Alabama, hotter in the garage, and they still have a heat light, some of the feathers are starting to make little ringlets)
I was going to call the company but hadnt gotten around to that today!
Would be cool if they were unique birdies!
I searched google and Frizzled Quail didnt bring anything up.
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They are just molting it shouldn't last more than a few weeks. Or they are crammed in to that area.
"frizzled pheasant" they do not keep thet look



Some of my bobwhites looked like that while growing up... they outgrew it.
Some of my coturnix are doing that, now... I wonder if it's a vitamin thing.
Awwww.... I was hoping they were different! I wanted frizzles!
Oh Well...Hope its not a lack of some nutrient.
I have been using game bird starter, do I need something else?
and no they are not crowded, they have plenty of space.
I feed mine game bird starter 20%

a boiled egg a week, ground up cat food (kitten food is best though--kibble), and bird seed, grit, and powdered cuttle bone

wax worms as well ---want to get them a bunch of meal worms but no ones selling them because of the shortage.

Oh and grass clippings but only some seem to like them
It's possible they need a little extra protein. Mine are little piranhas right now... they're probably not getting enough to eat!
I think it may be do to temps..each bird is different but i always thought brooder temps..?? i know some of our butlers chicks did that as well and some of the pure white bobs to..

But they never stay that way. Ill try to get a few pic's of my whites tomorrow and you can see how they look with it..
the whites when i put them out side some of them did the frizzling effect and some didnt,

but while inside they all looked normal. then when i put them in the pen outside at 8 weeks boom!!! some went frizzled same thing as my breeders did last year growing out, but then after a molt it was gone....Kinda thought and hoped some would have stayed that way but they did not..

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