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A Little Bit of Life

In the Brooder
Jul 19, 2020
:jumpyHello all, I'm a Okie living in Missouri and enjoying every bit of Life! I grew up in a tiny town where my family's love of animals and the convenience of being in a good 'drop off' area let to our own little farm of sorts. We had a beloved assortment of horse's, a donkey, dogs, cats, fish, a blind cow, and 3 chickens. I very much had the Tom and Huckleberry type childhood and treasure it all- before I knew there were movie theaters or skating rinks. Life was about taking care of the elderly neighbors (as far as 15 miles was still a neighbor) and learning as much as possible as quickly as possible so we could ride our bikes/horse's! Oh, the memories! Now, fast forward 20ish years and I have my own place that I'm making memories once again with one's I love. I would say my chicken journey started when I was a sophomore in highschool. My life had flipped and everything I knew changed. It was one of the hardest times of my life. I made friends easily and soon learned to fill life with movies and skating, and talking on the phone, etc. This happened until the day my sister came back from a small group get together with eggs! Yup, my mom wasn't home yet and I saw my chance. I quickly took them out of the FRIDGE, which they had been in for at least 3 hours) and kicked my brother off the computer and started reading anything I could find. A cardboard box, my steady lamp, a towel, and 2 paper towels later I was setting my first eggs! My sister was quick to tell on me but I told my mom they would be no good to eat and started telling a bit of all I had learned (4 hrs later & I had read a LOT) I penciled a 'X' and 'O' and turned each one before school and after school and right before bed. I would sprinkle water on the paper towels as I gently turned them on the soft towel. My lamp got tired of being on and often I would find the 60watt bulb resting on eggs when I got home until I finely rigged up something. I would dream of chicks so much that I often woke thinking they hatched. I worried while at school and hurried home to turn and check on them- I hoped something would come within that coming month. My city friends laughed and thought I was nuts. . Then one day I heard it, and I thought I was nuts! I talked back to that little girl for hours! She hatched with out much issue (the last part of shell was glued to her) then 3 more came over the next 6 days. One had the yoke sack out side, one I had to help (with tweezers from inside out), and one looked mummified with the bag so hard and tight around it. They all made it and we're all pullets and would follow me every where around the house and answer every time I called to them! I didn't know about breed or how to sex but a month later I had to re-home them (we still couldn't have :( the lady called to tell my mom that they were indeed girls and were laying. I learned SO much with that experience. Move forward to 2011 I'm a mom and have my own place with great neighbors who have chickens. Yup, I do it again and had to roosters and two beautiful hens. Navel a beautiful brown red Americana that won Grand Champion at the local fair and loved by everyone (mom's name was Clementine). The stories we could tell of her. We lost her soon after her 8th birthday to an attack last year and it about killed us. She would come when ever we called, was very active and just one of those chickens that you know are special. Navel also layed 2-3 times a week at 8 years old! Those 4 special babies led to my true love of chickens and the hunger to learn all I can to help them thrive. I was also given a baby duck as a gift 4 years ago and not knowing the breed quickly went to the place of purchase and got 4 more. The results- Little Bug, Polka, Dot, Truly, and Suger. Muscovys. The final loss of Navel took some of that joy for a time but with time comes the reminder to live and knowing we as a family loved keeping chickens we decided we wanted to jump in again. Now, after the loss of Dot this last month (attack) we only have Truly left of our originals. Wednesday, July 15th we made a impromptu trip to Cackle Hatchery to buy a surprise box. 2 hours later we're driving home with 2 saying "this is crazy" with the biggest smiles ever! Yup, we did it and now another adventure begins that is already bringing new memories to smile about.
I look forward to gaining knowledge and insight from you all as we make this leap from 0 to 100!
Thank you!
~A Little Bit of Life

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