From Colorado...


6 Years
Nov 29, 2013
Hey all! I'm thrilled to have stumbled upon this site!

My husband, 3 boys and I have a homestead in Colorado. We've had chickens for about 4 years now. We've raised them for both eggs and meat. We just harvested our 30 Red Rangers. We currently have White Leghorns, Rose Comb Brown Leghorns, Red Stars, Black Stars, New Hampshire Reds, Silver Spangled Hamburgs, Single Comb Brown Leghorn, Ancona, Andalusians, Golden Pencil Hamburgs, Lakenvelders. This year (in July) we added: Barred Rocks, Jersey Giants, Delawares. We also recently inherited 5 mature layers from a friend in town - another White Leghorn, Red Star and 3 Easter Eggers. Two of the Delawares we got are roosters. We plan to try and hatch our own chicks.

We definitely have a large variety. I love watching them run around. They roam free during the day and roost themselves in the coop at night.

We also have a tom cat and two dogs. They all get along well (except for our Aussie and the cat - the Aussie loves the cat a bit too much).

We've had a garden for years and this year is our first try at gardening in cold frames during the winter. So far so good!

Well, there ya have it! The story of my beautiful life! :)
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Nice assorted flock you have, all the different colored breeds make for a pretty sight.
glad you joined the flock

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