From Starter to Layer?


8 Years
Jun 13, 2011
My guineas share a coop and run with my Australorps. Their yard is built onto a barn and so they have constant access to outside--and the property is crawling with grasshoppers. Anyway my Aussies are going to start laying anytime and I want to know if it's safe to feed them all Layer feed. The guineas won't probably lay their first eggs until Spring (I think?) so any advice? I don't want to just do Oyster Shells unless I have to because I really don't want to get any eggbound hens. Will the extra calcium hurt the guineas? They're all the same age, 3 and a half months old right now.


I agree, they are old enough for the layer feed and the extra calcium will not hurt the Guineas at all. I usually start weaning my Guineas over to a layer feed at 12wks old (gradually mixing in the layer feed with their grower feed), and depending on how much grower feed I have left over they are definitely are 100% switched over by no later than 16wks. Guineas 12wks and older (both sexes) can eat a layer feed year round as their main diet. Their minimum protein requirement is 16%, which is what most layer feeds contain (I do have access to one brand that has 18% tho).

You may see a few eggs from your Guineas before next spring, sometimes Guinea pullets will sporadically lay here and there (out of their normal laying season), even thru the cold months. Not all do this, but it is common. Most of them have no clue what they are doing at this point, so you will typically find the eggs in random places (middle of the coop, out in the yard, broken below the roosts because a pullet laid an egg while up on the roost etc).
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Thank you both very much. I'm happy I can switch the feed and I'll do it gradually like you suggested. I'm giddy thinking about the babies I was just holding in my hand in July are about to start laying! Not to sound corny but nature is so amazing. I can't believe I waited all this time to start my little farm. Thank you again!


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