From the nest to the incubator


7 Years
Dec 23, 2012
Sylvania , Ga
I am new to incubating and if anyone with experience could answer this question,that would be helpful.
How long can an egg be viable from the time it leaves the nest and is placed in the incubator, and how much does the temp during this time factor in? Thanks.
Eggs can be held up to 3-4 weeks and some will still hatch, but your hatch rate decreases significantly as the egg ages. The egg should be kept at room temperature and rotated once a day until being placed in the bator. I don't set eggs older than a week old.

How long have you been storing them?
It's been 12 days and I'm not quite finished with the incubator. and I have not been turning them. I thought that I didn't have to turn them untill they were put in the incubator.
You can candle them to make sure the yolk is mobile, that it moves around in the egg. If it's moving around, I'd set it. If it doesn't seem to move around but instead be stuck to the side of the shell, eat it.

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