FrontierVille on FB

Oh yes, you are one of my highest ranking neighbors!
Takes FIVE goals to get your expansion and it is not that much bigger! and more harvesting of trees, thorns, rocks, wildflowers, etc. LOL! Need alot of wood to build your land building.
How is everyone doing on their extension land?

It is like playing musical chairs with those trees, buildings to get into the back part of the forest. UGH! Why not put it on three sides with no backyards.

I am good to go but tired from all that shuffling around to add that land station.
I need 10 people to click on the one link to get coordinates. I couldn't log in for 2 days after my son got sick on my laptop.
I had to wait for my hubby to get home from his business trip and take it apart.
I'm able to play frontierville and there was no more puking. I don't know what upset his tummy but he was fine shortly after getting sick.
I need 2 more of those survey things so if you're my neighbor, please feel free to click on it or let me know if you've posted one. If you're not my neighbor and you need more, just message me your email. I think I'm missing some people on here.

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