Frontline and Lice

Lofty Dreams

9 Years
Apr 9, 2010
I stole it from my website

Please Note; Poultry lice are not the same as human lice

Poultry Lice

“Poultry lice are tiny, wingless, 6-legged, flat-bodied, insects with shaft broad, round heads. They lay their eggs on the host bird’s feathers, especially near the base of the feather shaft. A female louse will lay 50 to 300 eggs at a time, which she cements to the feather shaft. There are several species of lice that affect poultry, and multiple species can affect a bird at any given time. Some species can be localized on specific locations like the quill lice; or others can be found over most of the body surface like the chicken body lice. The lice found on poultry do not suck blood as the lice found in other species of animals; rather they feed on dry skin scales, feathers, and scabs. However, they will ingest blood extruding from irritated skin. The entire life cycle of the lice occurs on the host bird, primarily in the feathers. Poultry lice are host specific and cannot be transferred to humans.
Fall and winter are the most common times to observe lice infestations. Inspect the ventral region of the bird for live lice crawling on the bird and for nits (lice eggs) as most infestations start in this area of the bird’s body. Eggs are white and commonly appear in bunches on the lower feather shaft. Feathers of infested birds may have a moth-eaten appearance. Due to the feather damage, the bird may have a dull or roughened appearance. “
Quoted from;

The above section is better applied to chickens, I also suggest you search the head, wing front, bow and bar for lice, as different types of lice hide on different parts, on pigeons check the wings in particular.
After shows you come home and separate your birds, douse them in powder and seven days later you douse them again only to discover they still have lice. Depending on how many birds you have this can get quite spendy and so some people have discovered Frontline for dogs and cats also works on chickens and pigeons.

For Chickens
I heard from one of my friends that's a Silkie and Maran breeder that Frontline works on chickens. I was having a slight problem with lice, with going to many shows and with the wild birds. Occasionally lice can become very severe as I learned from my first time showing chickens.

For Pigeons
After having success with my chickens I decided to test it on my pigeons. The first test bird did not have lice, but I wished to test the potency. However the next two did have lice, Skylight and Skyscraper {two feral pigeons squabs my dad found at work} I tested it on them at roughly 35 days of age, and within a day the lice disappeared, I would would suggest you keep them separate for at least ten days and check to make sure. I wouldn't put Frontline on until they are almost fledged. With all birds that I have treated, Frontline quickly eliminated the lice with no ill effect to the birds and their coloration and feather condition.

When Applying place one or two drops on the birds skin{I often apply it at the base of the the neck and at the end of the back}, Frontline should last for a month. Remember to keep the size of the bird in mind and the seriousness of the infection.
I also use it as a preventative of lice before going to shows.

See Frontlines Website at;

This is not official as these are my own personal experiences and it has not been recommended by Frontline for birds as I am aware of.
If you are unsure if Frontline is the right option for treating your birds you could always test one as if it works for your need.

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