FROZEN CHICK - Hanging on. . . HELP!


10 Years
Jun 14, 2009
I had 12 chicks arrive today via USPS. I THOUGHT all were dead, but one is actually barely breathing. I have her under a heat light, what else can I do? She moves her head a bit, still won't open eyes, listless. I think the overnight box was left outside at some point. Very devastating. Any help is appreciated!
Keep her warm and give sugar water with and eye dropper. Have to ask where did you get them and how many or did I miss that. At my age I miss alot but mostly my hair.
warm fluids with a little sugar or honey also do you have baby vits. w/o iron might try to dribble a little on it beak. Thats so sad wish it had turned out different, poor babies
Make sure the water you give her is warm(not hot)-you don't want cool tap water to shock her even more.
I would put her/him inside a sock for extra warmth.
Whatever hatchery sent those babies without checking the weather is ignorant!
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UPS is safe lol .. USPS = UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE .. the regular mail people.. & some can be dumb as a box of rocks!! poor babies

**edited to add: you can slide it in your bra between the sisters .. very nice & warm there .. you wont be the first to do it ..
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I am sorry this happened but if you do not mind if I ask who you purchased them from. Even in October when I received an order, they insisted that there are at least 25 birds or we had to pay for Express and or insurance or they would use packing peanuts for warmth. I am just surprised someone shipped out only 12 birds. I hope you opened the box in front of the postal employee and requested a refund.

Don't harass the delivery driver... sheesh.. they are in open air vans with shorts on.... It is a risky time of year to ship... Not everyone is a chicken person.. THat is a classic case of blame it on the messanger...
I am not going to say who I purchased them from - I am not placing blame on them - they sent 12 chicks with heat packs and plenty of gro-gel. These babies were left in the cold all night, the box felt like an ice-cube - I am in GA which has a milder winter.

The chick peeped a few times. It is doing a lot of open mouth breathing, almost gasping for air. I tried giving warm water, but it's mouth is so wide open I'm scared to aspirate it.

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